Saturday, November 21

luahan perasaan:selamat tinggal UiTM PERAK

Kalau ada yang tau (ada ke viewers yang kenal she?).she student uitm perak sebenarnya.she study interior architecture yang azab macam api neraka (agak keterlaluan disitu).Sewaktu hari hari terakhir she kat kampus.,she dah part 4 (less than one week nak abes sem).she bukan sengaje okay?she tak sehat..(tak sehat ape?abaikan)..then next sem nye (2009-july nov),she just cam make it for just one month with 3 submission projects..and after that the things just going back to 'cannot make it'..and the sem become horrible because my application for study leave is not accepted.How do i know? I just login to the student portal and i saw my status is 'gagal tamat kursus'..erm...i dunno wat to type anymore..rase macam nak bunuh diri pon for you guys info,interior arcitecture is my dream job.i do love interiors even i know how am i put my self into hell.
Dear friends, ::for those yang takde dalam gambar jangan nak rejam aku pulak.harap maklum collection yang ada jelik untuk ditayangkan::

if i have the chances i wont stop here.i will continue my study. even i have to repeat my self,get into hell twice. please do pray for my success.


2 comment:

Muhammad Amirul said...

la student uitm sri iskandar rupenyer...
saya selalu pi sane anta tshirt uitm...
dan belajar teknik fotografi kat sane

she said...

aik?tshirt ape??huhu
saya slalu gak beli tshirt..

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